Promotion Box Pink
Common name : butachlor + Propanil
Active ingredient :
N-butoxymethyl-2-chloro-2',6'-diethylacetanilide......60% W/V EC
3',4'-dichloropropionanilide.......................................36% W/V EC
Property : Control-kill Weeds in narrow rice fields, such as grass, barley, grass, broom, grass, pink birds. Weeds such as vegetables, lung, rice,
Rate of use : 100 + 200 ml / 60-80 liters of water spray on an area of 1 rai.
1. Mob-up 50 ml + peronil 100 ml (20 liters of water)
2. Mob - up 500 ml + Peronil 1 liter (200 liters of water)
Contain : 1 L + 2 L (1 set of spray can be 8-10 acres.)

Mob-Up Gold
Common name : butachlor + Red Rice Protection Agent
Active ingredient :
N-butoxymethyl-2-chloro-2',6'diethylacetanilide ..........60% W/V EC
Property : Weed control narrow weeds. Egg grass, grass, pink birds, broad weeds such as reed leg, such as brood of mustache, catfish before and after weeding germination in rice fields. Mop-up gold is not toxic to rice. Do not make red rice or dead growth.
Rate of use : 100-150 ml / 20 liters of water for backpack
Contain : 1,000 ml
Project Field Products
Plant Nutrition
Plant Growth Regulator
Public health products

Promotion Box Red
Common name : butachlor + Propanil
Active ingredient :
N-butoxymethyl-2-chloro-2',6'-diethylacetanilide......60% W/V EC
3',4'-dichloropropionanilide.......................................36% W/V EC
Property : Control-kill Weeds in narrow rice fields, such as grass, barley, grass, broom, grass, pink birds. Weeds such as vegetables, lung, rice,
Rate of use : 100 + 200 ml / 60-80 liters of water spray on an area of 1 rai.
1. Mob-up 50 ml + peronil 100 ml (20 liters of water)
2. Mob - up 500 ml + Peronil 1 liter (200 liters of water)
Contain : 1 L + 0.5 L (1 set of spray can be 4-5 acres.)

Grass collection (Pro-off)
Common name : Bispyribac-sodium + Supplements
Active ingredient :
sodium 2, 6-bit(4,6-dimethoxpy rimidin-2-yloxy)banzoate.......20%WP
Property : Weeding narrow weeds, such as grass, pinkbirds, grasses, crow's feet, and broadleaf weeds. Like spinach and zucchini
Rate of use : Use 5 grams of water 15-20 spray on the area of 1 job.
Contain : 1 L + 0.5 L (1 set of spray can be 4-5 acres.)
Common name : glufosinate ammonium
Active ingredient : Ammonium (S)-2-amino-4-[hydroxyl(methyl)phosphinoyl] butyrate........15% W/V SL
Property : Non-selective herbicide Weed-resistant weed control Grass, bison,
grass, grass, grass, grass, rubber grass, striped bean, Khmer grass, rice paddy
Rate of use : Use 5 grams of water 15-20 spray on the area of 1 job.
Contain : 1 L + 0.5 L (1 set of spray can be 4-5 acres.)
Common name : glyphosate-isopropylammonium
Active ingredient :
N-(phosphonomethyl)glycine, isopropylamonium....................48 % W/V SL
Property : Weed control of narrow leaf weeds such as grass, bird nests, grass, grass and broad weeds such as grass, weeds, weeds, weeds and hatchlings such as reeds, sand and catfish catfish.
Rate of use : Use at a rate of 600-800 ml. Mix 60-80 liters of water spray on 1 rai or 150-200 ml of water 20 liters spray on a space of 1 job.
Contain : 1 liter and 4 liters
Common name : พาราควอตไดคลอไรด์ (paraquat dichlor)
Active ingredient : 1,1'-dimethyl-4,4'-bipyridinium ion.....27.6%W/V
Property : Weed control of narrow leaf weeds such as grass, bird nests, grass, grass and broad weeds such as grass, weeds, weeds, weeds and hatchlings such as reeds, sand and catfish catfish.
Rate of use : Use at the rate of 300-550 ml of water mixed 60-80 liters sprayed on 1 acre or Rate of 100-180 ml of 20 liters of water spray on the area of 1 job.
Contain : 1 liter and 4 liters

Common name : glyphosate-isopropylammonium
Active ingredient : (glyphosate-isopropylammonium)N-(phosphonomethyl) glycine, isopropylamonium........5%V SL
Property : Weed control of narrow leaf weeds such as grass, bird nests, grass, grass and broad weeds such as grass, weeds, weeds, weeds and hatchlings such as reeds, sand and catfish catfish.
Rate of use : Use at a rate of 360-720 ml of water mixed 60-80 liters sprayed on 1 rai area or rate. 90-180 ml. Mix 15-20 liters of water spray on 1 work area and weed with height not exceeding 30 cm.
Contain : 4 liters

Common name : paraquat dichlor
Active ingredient : 3',4'-dichloropropionanilide......36% W/V EC
Property : Used to clear grass in rice fields such as grass, white flowers, grass, grass, pink birds. Vegetables, lobster, catfish, catfish, reed.
Rate of use : Use at the rate of 300-550 ml of water mixed 60-80 liters sprayed on 1 acre or Rate of 100-180 ml of 20 liters of water spray on the area of 1 job.
Contain : 1 liter
Suggestion : Do not use group substances. Organophosphate and carbamate before and after Sprayed about 7 days

Common name : 2,4-D dimethyl ammonium
Active ingredient : (2,4-dichlorophenoxy) acetic acid,dimethyl amine salt.....84% W/V SL (acid equivalent......72%)
Property : Use weed spread all kinds of vegetables such as fried vegetables, morning glory, tofu, fried vegetables, oats, corn, etc.
Rate of use : 50 ml / 20 liters water or 150-200 ml / 60-80 liters of water spray on an area of 1 rai
Contain : 500 ml and 1 liter
Common name : butachlor
Active ingredient :
N-butoxymethyl-2-chloro-2',6'-diethylacetanilide........60% W/V EC
Property : Weed control in rice fields sown Use a narrow range of White grass, broadleaf weeds and broadleaf weeds such as vegetables, lung fields, and weeds.
for example, catfish and catfish.
Rate of use : Use 20 ml of 20 liters of water to spray the insect pests.
Contain : 1 liter

Common name : alachlor
Active ingredient :
2-chloro-2',6'-diethyl-N-methoxymethylacetanilide.............48% W/V EC
Property : Use at the rate of 500-560 ml of water mixed 60-80 liters per 1 rai
or125-140 ml. Add 15-20 liters of water to cover the soil before weeding and
weeding. While the land has moisture.
Rate of use : Use 20 ml of 20 liters of water to spray the insect pests.
Contain : 1 liter